Community Science

Bald Eagles – photo by Sarah Donlan

Get Involved!
we need your help
Community Science is where the public volunteers time to assist scientists in their research. Community scientists can support professional researchers in a lot of ways—by submitting data, sharing experiences or spreading valuable information. Scientists benefit from having a lot more data to analyze and a pool of volunteers willing to help.
We have many members who are concerned about the environment and choose to help make a difference locally and in some cases, nationally. Anyone can be a community scientist—all you need is a passion for nature and helping your community.
Take a look at the various projects that Seminole Audubon Society is involved with and sign up to help today. This is the most fun thing we do!

Audubon Jay Watch
Audubon Florida coordinates the Jay Watch citizen science program statewide. Volunteers are trained to help conduct scientific surveys that measure annual nesting success and count the total number of Florida Scrub-Jays. The Florida Scrub-Jay is our state’s only endemic bird species, found nowhere else in the world. To learn more, go to:

Audubon Eagle Watch
Audubon EagleWatch seeks information about Bald Eagles, active nest locations and possible disturbances or threats to nesting activities. The program is designed to educate volunteer participants about eagle nesting biology, applicable laws, the identification of nest threats, monitoring techniques and the verification of previously unrecorded active eagle- nesting. If you are interested in learning more, go to:

Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count is the longest running citizen science project in the world, beginning Christmas Day in 1900. From December 14 through January 5 each year, tens of thousands of volunteers throughout the Americas fan out to take part in the effort. The data collected by observers over the past century allow Audubon researchers, conservation biologists, wildlife agencies, and other interested individuals to study the long-term health and status of bird populations across North America. Seminole Audubon Society is in charge of the count in two zones of the Wekiva River count circle and our members participate in many other counts around the area. If you would like to join us, please send us a message below with “Christmas Bird Count” in the subject line.