Bird Links

Green Heron – photo by Ken Schmidt
Florida Ornithological Society
Get results of the North American Migration Count (NAMC). Contact Seminole Audubon to participate in this event, conducted on just one day in the Spring and Fall.
American Birding Association
The ABA provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills, and enjoyment of birding.
A real-time, online checklist program that provides rich data sources for basic information on bird abundance and distribution.
Seminole County Natural Lands
The Natural Lands Program was established in 1990 by a voter approved referendum. The Natural Lands now consist of over 6,600 acres of preserved land. The largest parcels are called wilderness areas.
AAA State of Play
A Kid’s Guide to Bird-Watching in the Playground
Lyonia Preserve
Lyonia Preserve is a 360-acre joint project of Volusia County’s Land Acquisition and Management Division and the Volusia County School Board to restore and maintain scrub habitat.
Audubon Florida
For more than a century Audubon has encouraged people to take care of the places that make Florida special.
All About Birds
A comprehensive guide to North American birds and bird watching from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Florida Native Plant Society
The Mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
Explore this site for live webcams, extensive photo galleries, nest site reports, peregrine biology and more.
The Great Florida Birding Trail
The GFBT is a collection of sites throughout Florida selected for their excellent bird-watching or bird education opportunities.
Purple Martin Conservation Association
This organization is devoted exclusively to the scientific study of Purple Martins (Progne subis), their biology, and habitat requirements.
Florida Snakes
Online Guide to the Snakes of Florida
Florida Breeding Bird Atlas
The Atlas project attempted to record the breeding distributions of all bird species in the state during 1986-1991.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
The US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, has many ongoing studies at the Patuxent Research Center dealing with biological diversity, including the daily monitoring of the North American Breeding Bird Survey.
ARCI Swallow-tailed Kites
Swallow-tailed Kite breeding biology, demography and habitat management.
Audubon’s mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.
Hummingbird Pictures Guide
Explore this site for live webcams, extensive photo galleries, nest site reports, peregrine biology and more.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping
Identify the Florida-friendly plants, including Florida native plants, that will work in your yard or landscape design.
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge
The refuge is open year-round during daylight hours. The Visitor Center is open from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.